- Sing and Play Book 1
- Write and Listen Book 1
- Sing and Play Book 2
- Write and Listen Book 2
- Sing and Play Book 3
- Write and Listen Book 3
- Sing and Play Flashcards, optional
- Sing and Play Teaching Manual, optional
30 minute lessons are $25.00
- Payment is expected at each lesson, double at the first lesson, so students are always ahead by at least one payment. This helps enforce the cancellation policy (below). Naturally, if a lesson is cancelled within the policy then the student will be credited. Advance payments are also accepted.
- Missed lessons will be refunded if they are cancelled by calling me 24 hours in advance. Without this notice, refunds will still be given in cases of same-day illnesses, emergencies, and inclement weather; but please call the night before if you think you might miss the next day. For short notice cancellations, please call. Acceptably cancelled lessons will be credited. Occasionally, I will also need to reschedule lessons.
- You may want to have a 3-ring binder or folder for additional worksheets I hand out.
- You can record your lessons on a cell phone, tablet, or other device, or I can record and place them on a blank CD or flash drive that you bring.
- Please avoid wearing perfumes and colognes when in my home as they sometimes cause migraine headaches for my wife.
- STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO PRACTICE, and parental awareness/support of this helps immensely. Even just 10 minutes per day for the young beginner with install the good habits needed for the future.