Hi folks! I sure have not been updating this website enough. It’s been easier to migrate to Facebook for updating people on current events, but I am getting back into updating this website and others (read on).
My professional news is that I taught Music to grades K-8 at a small Catholic school during the 2021-2022 school year. The timing was good as performances were just re-emerging during that year but had not fully restored. However, I knew pretty early on that the position was not for me. I left for many reasons that teachers leave and I really appreciate the time I am regaining by changing back to the gigging lifestyle compared to the day job.
But it is still busy! I am about to start as the band director at the Dayton Regional STEM School during after school hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And now I have double the authority over my daughter who is in the band. What’s 2 X 0 again? I still have my other teaching positions at Sinclair Community College (music tech/low brass when there are any students), IU East (when there are low brass students), and Earlham College (yay, students!), and my home studio.
On the performance front, I was recently named the trombonist with an incredible band called The Klaberheads https://klaberheads.com/. Let’s just say that it’s much more than a polka/Octoberfest band and you have to see them live to understand. Muse Machine, for whom I wrote 2 shows in the past, sends ensembles into Dayton-area schools for some old fashioned edutainment. Just before Covid they asked me to write “Latin USA” for trombone, percussion, and piano, and we are finally getting that underway. It will feature music from Lin-Manuel Miranda, Astor Piazzolla, Nintendo games, and more with a giant map and audience participation. The Greater Dayton Brass Ensemble https://richbegel.org/greater-dayton-brass-ensemble/ is still kicking and recently performed at Dayton’s Art in the City. I also performed at that event with Dean Simms. I have been playing in Dean’s various groups for a while now; funk, pop, r & b, and he has special knack for honoring Louis Armstrong. On September 11, 2022, we will be taking “The Satchmo Show” on the road to the Arcada Theater in St. Charles, IL, near Chicago. This style of music has always been at the top of my list and it’s amazing to hear Dean do it up close. Another group that played at Art in the City (yes, I ran to 3 gigs that day) was the Miami Valley Klezmer Ensemble. This has been a banner year for this amazing group of 5 musicians with more performances than ever. We are changing our rather mundane name to …drum roll, please… The Flying Klezmerians! Flying, because we are from Dayton and Klezmerians, because no one else has it. And here is our new website: www.theflyingklezmerians.com There is not much there yet, but we have videos waiting in the wings and of course you will find our calendar there and at our Facebook page. In between all of this exciting small ensemble work, I am still with the Dayton Performing Arts Alliance and the orchestra repertoire for the 2022-2023 season is pretty exciting for a trombonist.
I hope to see you at some event with one of these fine groups!
I should also mention that during Covid I got obsessed with biking and repair – if you need a tune-up, bring it on by!